Rules of the College Classroom

I.        Classroom

A.      Professor decides where students sit.

B.       Professor has full control over when exams are given

C.      Many classes will start with Quizzes.

D.      If you come late, you will not receive any of this credit.

E.       You are responsible for making up any material that you missed.

F.       Class materials may not be available on days after they are given out.

G.      No profanity.

II.       Expulsion (for the day) 3 Expulsions (not absenses) are an F




I.         Talking during exam or quiz (also 0 on exam or quiz)

J.         Talking during lecture

K.      Making noises, whistling, or playing music.

L.           Touching other people or their stuff

M.     Cell phone ringing.  Cell Phones should be in silent mode during class.  

N.    Talking on a cell phone

O.    Being removed 3 times from class or vandalizing any classroom will result in an F as your class grade (Failing the entire course).   Expulsion means being thrown out of class for behavior (not being absent). Vandalism will also get an F.

III.      Assignments

P.       Late Assignments will not be accepted.

Q.      Unless a doctor’s note  or police report is submitted.

R.      All take home assignments must be typed.   

S.       If you are not in school when the assignment is due mail the assignment.

T.    Use a post office to mail the assignment to:
David Sher
Math Department
Nassau Community College
Garden City NY 11530

24 hour post office in NYC: is located at 421 Eighth Avenue, between 31st Street and 33rd Street in the New York City borough of Manhattan, across the street from Pennsylvania Station and Madison Square Garden.

Hicksville Post Office Lobby Hours: Mo-Fr 7:30am-11:30pm, Sa 8am-3pm: 185 West John St., Hicksville (OysBy)

U.      Assignments will be returned only to the student who did them. (You can not pick up your friend’s assignment.)

IV.     Exams & Withdrawel

V.      Exams and quizzes are open notes, open book.

W.     Students may not leave once they start an exam until they finish.

X.      Description: j0285750Description: j0250653%5b1%5dCell phones and computers must be off during exams.

Y.      Students must have their college ID Description: j0293142 to take the exam

Z.      Students can withdraw till 1 week before the final.   They must fill out a withdrawal form or they will get a letter grade.