In the beginning, it was simple ...

Original C++ program running in a Win XP console.

Original C++ program running on Red Hat Linux.
Then came the transformation ...

Building the GUI's structure.

Connecting the game engine to the GUI.

Testing the interface. Added borders and a border highlight (yellow) for last clicked square.

Tied in the basic computer AI.
Increased the width of borders and possible moves indicator (green for normal, red for attack).

First ever Internet game, from my friend's perspective (on his Mac).
Tested the interface for flaws (quite a few). Received some good suggestions for improvements.

Readded the board position designations (absent since the console version).

A rare but possible end game situation (yes, I do have 9 white queens).

Realized I had the board rank designations backwards (oops).
Increased the font size for the player names.

Made it possible to view the game from black's perspective.
Current and Future development ...
- Test the feasibility of making the program an applet. (in progress)
- Thoroughly test the network game for synchronization problems.
- Consider having the hosting machine process all game moves (synchronization issues).
- Consider developing a central server/meeting area instead of strictly having it P2P.
- Consider splitting the Game History window into a Chat window and History window.
- Add the option for timestamps within the chat.
- Improve the Help menus "Rules" section (use a JEditorPane).
- Consider making the chat window a JEditorPane to process HTML.
- Construct a more "interesting" AI.
- Add the Save/Load Game feature.
- Add the Save Game Log feature.
- Add support for standard algebraic Chess notation.
- Fix audio problems associated with playing on a Mac.
- Give the user the option to turn sounds on and off.
- Replace the piece graphics with my own personal creations.
David Becht
Computer Science Major
Adelphi University
Note: All chess piece images are from Wikipedia.