David B. Sher
Mat|CMP|IT Department
Nassau Community College
Garden City NY 11530
Java 2 Programmer 5/02 Sun
Microsystems Inc.
Ph.D. 1/88 University of Rochester (Computer Science)
M.S. 1/84 University of Rochester (Computer Science)
B.S. 5/82 Yale University (Computer Science and Mathematics)
9/10- present
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and
Information Technology Nassau Community College
Professor, Department of Mathematics,Computer Science and
Statistics, Nassau Community College
Professor, Department
of Mathematics,Computer Science and Statistics, Nassau Community College
of Mathematics,Computer Science and Statistics, Nassau Community College
Professor, Department of Computer Science, State University of New
York at Buffalo.
Architectures Expert for the CMU WARP Design Team, Computer Science Dept.,
Carnegie Mellon University.
Assistant, Computer Science Department, University of Rochester .
Colleges: Calculus + Enhancements, In
collaboration with QCC, BMCC, and MEC, Minority Science and Engineering
Improvement Program (MSEIP), Department of Education, Total funding $465,810
Applets for Teaching Mathematics, Long Island Consortium for Integrated Learning, Total Funding
Objects Quantitative Exercises for Non-Science Major Students: Crater Size and
Tsunami Height, Long Island Consortium for Integrated Learning, Total Funding
Mathematics and Economics Courses, Long Island Consortium for Integrated Learning, Total Funding $3000.
Development of Course Materials to
Promote Collaborative Learning through Interactive Animation for Mathematics, National Science Foundation Course and
Curriculum Development Program, Total Funding:$86,000
Collaborative Learning through Interactive Animation for
Mathematics and Computer Science, National Science Foundation, Instrument and Laboratory Improvement
Program, Total Funding: $70,000
Methodology for Collaborative Quantification of Non-Rigid Motion in 2
Dimensional Echocardiograms, American Heart
Association, NYS chapter, Total Funding: $40,000.
Methodology for Collaborative Quantification of Non-Rigid Motion in 2
Dimensional Echocardiograms, Pilot Project from
the NIH under the BRSG program. Total Funding $2,500.
System for Collaborative Quantification of Non-rigid Motion in 2 Dimensional
Echocardiograms, SUNY at Buffalo Center for
Advanced Technologies - Health Instruments Devices Institute, accepted without
Methodology for Collaborative Quantification of Non-Rigid Motion in 2
Dimensional Echocardiograms, American Heart
Association, NYS chapter, accepted without funding.
Flight Inspection System Camera Project,
Invited proposal from Sierra Research Incorporated. Joint with Dr. D.Walters
(PI) (SUNY Buffalo), Dr. P. Scott (PI) (SUNY Buffalo),and Dr. M. Hatziprokopiou
(SUNY Buffalo). Total funding: $45,000.
Signal Processing Techniques Applied to Multisensor Surveillance Systems, Invited Proposal from Northeast Artificial
Intelligence Consortium. Joint with Dr. H. Rhody and Dr. J. Modestino.Total
funding: $200,000.
Measurement in Echocardiographic Output, Pilot Project from
the NIH under the BRSG program. Total Funding $5,000.
Newberger, D. B. Sher, Apparatus for Utilizing a Discrete Fourier
Transformer to Implement Discrete Cosine Transformer, Patent #5,258,941.
State University
of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative
Activities, 2009
D.B. Sher, Linear
Rational Functions with Obvious Asymptotes, MathAMATYC
Educator, Vol 13, No. 3, Spring 2022 pp. 14-21.
2. D.B.
Sher, A Classroom Note on Extensible
Truth Tables for Verifying Logical Arguments, Math and Computer
Education, Vol.
46, No. 2, Spring 2012, pg 133.
3. D.B.
Sher, Proof Without Words: Partial Sums of a Harmonic Sequence, Math and
Computer Education, Fall2009, Vol. 43 Issue 3, pg 270.
4. D.B.
Sher, A Visual Proof for an Average Case of List Searching, Inroads - the
SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol. 40 #2, June 2008, 74-78.
5. L.A.
Sher, D.B. Sher, A Classroom Note on Generating Examples for the Law of Sines
and Cosines from Pythagorean Triangles, Math and Computer Education,
Vol. 41 #2, pp. 168-171, Spring 2007.
6. D.B.
Sher, Classroom Note: Bar Code Scanner as a Canonical Function, Math and
Computer Education Vol.
38 #3, pp. 265-266, Fall 2004.
7. D.B.
Sher, D.C. Nataro, The Prosthaphaeretic Slide Rule: a mechanical
multiplication device based on trigonometric identities, Math and Computer
Education, Vol. 38 #1, Spring 2004, pp. 37-43.
8. D.B.
Sher, Recursive Objects - An Object Oriented Presentation of Recursion, Math
and Computer Education, Vol. 38 #1, Spring 2004, pp. 97-109.
9. D.B.
Sher, C. Decusatis, Parallel Computing Architectures using Fiber Optics, Asian
Journal of Physics, vol. 41, no. 3, p. 33-46 (March 2003).
10. D.B.
Sher, D.C. Nataro, Vector Algebra Proofs for Geometry Theorems, Math
and Computer Education, Vol. 36 #2, Spring 2002, pp.187-190.
11. D.B.
Sher, Programming C++ with Panache: A C++ Style Manual, Math and Computer
Education, Vol. 34 #2, Spring 2000, pp. 195-209.
12. D.B.
Sher, R. Skurnick, D.C. Nataro, A Proof Without Words: The Area of a
Quadrilateral is Less than or Equal to Half the Product of its Diagonals, Math
and Computer Education, Vol. 33 #3,Fall 1999, pg. 282.
13. D.B.
Sher, D. Nataro, R. Skurnick, A Note on the Corrected Egyptian Rule for the
Area of a Quadrilateral, Math and Computer Education, Summer 1999, pg.
14. D.B.
Sher, S. Feldberg, Review of "Teaching yourself HTML in a Week by Laura
Lemay," Math and Computer Education, Winter 1999, pp. 83-84.
B. Sher, Proof Without Words: 1+
(n-1)nx = nk+1, Math and Computer Education, Vol.
32, #1, Winter 1998, pg. 51.
16. D.
B. Sher, Persuasive Essays for Motivating Computer Science Topics, Math and
Computer Education, Vol.31 #3, Fall 1997, pp. 248-251.
B. Sher, Proof Without Words: 3n-1=
2×3k, Math and
Computer Education, Vol.31 #2, Spring 1997, pg. 190.
18. D.
B. Sher, Generating Parabola Line Intersection Problems for a Classroom
Setting, Math and Computer Education, Vol. 30 #3, Fall 1996, pp 278-282.
19. D.
B. Sher, Problem #333, , Mathematics and Computer Education, Vol. 30,
#2, Spring 1996, Page 214.
20. D.
B. Sher, Problem #326, Mathematics and Computer Education, Vol. 29, #3,
Fall 1995, Page 323.
21. Xin
He, and David Sher, On determining Non-isomorphic Configurations of circles
through points on a sphere, Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.
59, pp. 33-50, 1995.
22. S.
Revankar, D.B. Sher, C. Cheung, V.L. Shalin, M. Ramamurthy, S. Rosenthal,
Supervised Interpretation of Echocardiograms with a Psychological Model of
Expert Supervision, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 19,
No. 1., Elsevier Science Ltd, pp. 47-59, 1995.
23. D.B.
Sher, Review of "The Whole Internet," Mathematics and Computer
Education, Winter 1995, Vol. 29, Number 1, pp 100-101.
24. D.
B. Sher and C. Cheung, Constructing Noise-Reducing Operators from Training
Images, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 15, pg. 357, 1994.
25. D.
B. Sher, Problem #313, Mathematics and Computer Education, Vol 28, #2,
Spring 1994, Page 208.
26. D.
Milun and D. B. Sher, Improving Sampled Probability Distributions for Markov
Random Fields, Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier Science Publishers,
27. E-Ren
Chuang and David B. Sher, X 2 Tests for Feature Detection, Pattern
Recognition, 1993, Vol 26, Iss. 11, pp 1673-1681.
28. S.
Revankar, D. B. Sher, and C. Cheung, Selecting a threshold for 2-D
echocardiograms, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 1(4), October
29. David
Sher, A Computational Normative Theory of Scientific Evidence, The
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 6, 1992, 505-524.
30. David
Sher, Shriram Revankar, and Steven Rosenthal, Computer Methods in Quantitation
of Cardiac Wall Parameters from Two Dimensional Echocardiograms: A Survey, Intl.
Journal of Cardiac Imaging, 8,1992, 11-26.
31. David
Sher, Minimizing the Cost of Errors with a Markov Random Field, Pattern
Recognition Letters, vol. 12(2) February 1991,85-89.
32. David
Sher, and Jon Hull, Quantifying the Unimportance of Prior Probabilities in a
Computer Vision Problem, Pattern Recognition Letters, 11(6), June 1990,
33. David
Sher, Expert Systems for Vision Based on Bayes' Rule, Computer Vision,
Graphics and Image Processing, 34, April 1986, 114-116.
34. Sher,
David and Sher, Lawrence, Some Conjectures on Fermat's Last Conjecture, The
Two Year College Mathematics Journal, Mathematics Association of America,
Vol. 12 No. 1, January, 1981, 51-52.
1. D.B.
Sher, Web Pages that Support Collaborative Modeling Projects for Precalculus, CrossRoads
in Mathematics Programs Reflecting the Standards, AMATYC, 1999,pp 42-43.
2. Shriram
Revankar, David Sher, Valerie L. Shalin and Maya Ramamurthy, Supervised
interpretation of echocardiograms with a psychological model of expert
supervision, Proceedings of the 1993 SPIE/SPSE Symposium on Electronic
Imaging: Science and Technology --- Biomedical Image Processing and Biomedical
Visualization, February 1993, SPIE..
3. S.
Revankar and D. B. Sher, Selecting a threshold for 2-D echocardiograms, Proceedings
of the 1992 SPIE/SPSE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology
--- Biomedical Image Processing and Three-Dimensional Microscopy, February
1992, SPIE.
1. Sher,
D. B. 2006. Motivating data structures with caching internet stock data. In Proceedings
of the 11th Annual SIGCSE Conference on innovation and Technology in Computer
Science Education (Bologna, Italy, June 26 - 28, 2006). ITICSE '06. ACM,
New York, NY, 344-344.
2. D.B.
Sher, A Simple Implementation of a Queue
with a Circularly Linked List, Proceedings of the The 9th
Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education,
June 30, 2004, pg. 274.
3. D.B.
Sher, Using Speech to Enhance a Math Education Applets,
Elearn 2002 -- Montreal, Canada, Oct. 17 2002.
4. D.B.
Sher, The Design of Interactive Applets for Mathematics
Education, Elearn 2002 -- Montreal, Canada, Oct. 17 2002.
5. D.B.
Sher, Developing Courseware for Mathematics and Computer
Science in JavaScript, Proceedings of Webnet98, Orlando
Fl, November, 1998.
6. D.B.
Sher and B.K. Sy, A Method for finding Independently Distributed Probability
Models that Satisfy Order Constraints, Proceedings of the 1996 Asian Fuzzy
Systems Symposium, Rough Sets and Data Mining Session, T.Y. Lin, Sept.
1996, pp. 344-349
7. Georgiou
G., Sy B., Sher D., Summarizing Time Series Data for Optimizing the Settings of
Technical Indicators, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence Applications on Wall Street, New York, New York,
June 1995.
8. D.
B. Sher, S. Revankar, J. G. Neal, V. L. Shalin and M. Ramamurthy, A Multimodal
System for Interpreting Echocardiograms, Proceedings of the Conference on
Next Generation Information Technology Systems, The Technion-Israel
Institute of Technology, June 1993, O. Etzion and A. Segal, 104-113. (14/45)
9. D.
Milun and D. B. Sher, Training Double Neighborhood Markov Random Fields by
Sampling---How much data is required?, Proceedings of Vision Interface 93,
Toronto Canada, 1993.
10. S.
Revankar and D.B.
Sher, Constrained Contouring in Polar Coordinates, Proceedings of the IEEE
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, IEEE, J.K. Aggarwal, Y.
Aloimonos, and R. M. Bolle, June 1993, 688-689 (186/403).
11. D.
B. Sher and D. Milun, Generating Edge Detectors from a Training Ensemble, Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Adaptive and Learning Systems,
SPIE, April 1993, F. Sadjadi, 165-176.
12. D.
B. Sher and E. Podnos, Generating Object Locators from a Training Ensemble, Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Adaptive and Learning Systems,
SPIE, April 1993, F. Sadjadi, 153-164.
13. D.
Milun and D. B. Sher, On MRF reconstruction of Images - How Much Training Is
Necessary?, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Adaptive
and Learning Systems, SPIE, April 1993, F. Sadjadi, 146-152.
14. E.
Chuang, and D.B. Sher, Implementation of An Object -Oriented Declarative
Language for Image Understanding, Proceedings of the IAPR Workshop on
Machine Vision Applications, (149/240).
15. D.
Sher, On the Derivation of Edge Detection Algorithms from Sample Images ---
Preliminary Results, the SPIE 1992 International Symposium on Optical
Applied Science and Engineering: Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and
Signal Processing, 1992, 576-581.
16. D.
Milun, and D.B. Sher, Learning Structural and Corruption Information from
Samples for Markov Random Field Edge Detection Enhancement, the SPIE 1992
International Symposium on Optical Applied Science and Engineering: Neural and
Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing, 1992, 156-161.
17. D.
Sher, The Influence of Object Size On the Regions of Interest for Edge
Detection --- Preliminary Results, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1992, III, 294-297 (193/239).
18. Davin
Milun and David Sher, Learning structural and corruption information from
samples for Markov random field binary image reconstruction, Proceedings of
the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1992, III, 513-516
19. Venu
Govindaraju, S.N. Srihari, and D. B. Sher, Caption based face location in
newspaper photographs, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Pattern Recognition, 1992, I, 474-477 (65%).
20. V.
Govindaraju, S.N. Srihari, and D. Sher, A computational model for face location
based on cognitive principles, Proceedings of the Tenth AAAI Conference,
1992, 350-355 (20%).
21. E-ren
Chuang and David Sher, A Vision System for Feature Detection and Information
Combination, Proceedings of the SPIE - Machine Vision Systems: Integration
and Applications Conference, SPIE, Nov. 1991, In Press.
22. Davin
Milun, and David Sher, Improving Markov Random Field Reconstructions by using
Noisy Probabilities, Progress in Image Analysis and Processing II:
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Image Analysis and
Processing, Sept. 1991, 147-154 (50/170).
23. David
Sher, and Patrick Mullhaupt, On the Size and Shape of the regions of Interest
for Edge Detection --- Preliminary Results, Progress in Image Analysis and
Processing II: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Image
Analysis and Processing, Sept. 1991, 27-33 (50/170).
24. David
Sher, A Technique for Deriving the Distribution of Edge Neighborhoods from a
Library of Occluding Objects, Progress in Image Analysis and Processing II:
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Image Analysis and
Processing, Sept. 1991, 422-429 (50/170).
25. S.
Revankar, D. Sher, and W. Wu, An Interactive Thresholding Scheme to Extract
Myocardium from a Sequence of Two Dimensional Echocardiograms, Proceedings
of the 17th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, April 1991,
26. S.
Revankar, and D. Sher, Collaborative Processing to Extract Myocardium from a
Sequence of Two Dimensional Echocardiograms, 1991 SPIE/SPSE Symposium on
Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology --- Extracting Meaning from Complex
Data: Processing, Display, Interaction II, Feb. 1991, SPIE, 268-273.
27. G.
Srikantan, D. Sher, and E. Newberger, Efficient Extraction of Local Myocardial
Motion with Optical Flow and a Resolution Hierarchy, 1991 SPIE/SPSE
Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology --- Extracting Meaning
from Complex Data: Processing, Display, Interaction II, Feb. 1991, SPIE,
28. V.
Govindaraju, S. Srihari, and D.B. Sher, A Computational Model for Face
Location, Proceedings: International Conference on Computer Vision,
1990, 718-721 (25%).
29. David
Sher, and Jon Hull, Quantifying the Unimportance of Prior Probabilities in a
Computer Vision Problem3 , Proceedings of the 10th International Conference
on Pattern Recognition, June 1990, IEEE, 662-664 (78/158).
1. David
B. Sher, Casimer Decusatis, Optical Interconnects for Clustered Architectures, Handbook
of Fiber Optic Data Communication – A Practical Guide to Optical Netowrking –
third edition, ed.
Casimer Decusatis, Elsevier Academic Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-12-374216-2, pp.
2. David
B. Sher, Casimer Decusatis, Parallel Computing Architectures using Fiber
Optics, Fiber Optic Data Communications: Technology Advances and Futures, March
8, 2002, Chapter 7.
3. David
B. Sher, The Sum of Powers of Three, Proof Without Words II, More Exercises
in Visual Thinking, The Mathematical Association of America, ed.
Roger B. Nelsen, 2000, pg. 108.
4. David
B. Sher, Ronald Skurnick, Dean C. Nataro The Area of a Quadrilateral I, Proof
Without Words II, More Exercises in Visual Thinking, The Mathematical
Association of America, ed. Roger B. Nelsen, 2000, pg. 20.
5. Govindaraju,
S. Lam, D. Niyogi, D.B. Sher, R. Srihari, S. N. Srihari and D. Wang, Newspaper
Image Understanding, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.:
444, 1991, Springer Verlag, NY, NY, 375-386.
6. Govindaraju,
S. Lam, D. Niyogi, D. Sher, R. Srihari, and D. Wang. Newspaper Image
Understanding, in Knowledge Based Computer Systems, S. Ramani, R.
Chandrasekhar and K.S.R. Anjaneyulu, editors, Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, India, 1989, 375-386.
D.B. Sher, Visual Programming Graphics and GUI for Beginning Students,
CSTA Annual Conference, July 19, 2024.
D.B. Sher, GUI4Sher
an Interactive Teaching Tool for Teaching GUI Graphics to Introduce Them to
Computing: Visual Computing in Python, People Education and Technology for a
Sustainable Future, Asynchronously Virtual March 7-8, 2024.
Sher, D. B. Sher "Using Data Sets
to Show Relationships among Basic Statistical Parameters," Metropolitan
New York Section, Mathematical Association of America, Hofstra University, May
13, 2018
4. D.B. Sher, Please Execute My
Dear Aunt Sally – Alternative Mnemonics for Order of Operations, Annual Meeting
of the Metropolitan New York Section of the MAA, East Elmhurst NY, May 1, 2016
5. D.B.
Sher, Experience with Twitter & Introductory College Mathematics Courses, CIT2012 SUNY FACT Conference,
Stonybrook NY, May 31, 2012
56. D.B. Sher, Verifying
Logical Arguments with Extensible Truth Tables, Annual Meeting of the
Metropolitan New York Section of the MAA, StonyBrook
NY, May 1, 2011
7. D.B.
Sher, Creating Educational Animation, 4th
Annual SUNY Fredonia Teaching & Learning Conference, 8/16/2010.
8. D.B.
Sher, Finding Math in the Newspapers - An easy way to connect math concepts to
the real world, New York State
Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges Region IV Conference, Fall
2009, 11/1/2009.
9. D.B.
Sher, Teaching Analysis of a Tree Algorithm with a Visual Proof, 2009 Annual Spring Meeting of the
Metropolitan New York Section of the MAA, 5/3/2009.
10. D.B.
Sher, Combining Video Media with Web Pages for Instruction, Conference on Computing in the Disciplines:
Catalyst for Creativity, 10/17/2008
11. D.B.
Sher, E.R. Sher, Making Instructional Videos with MS Movie Maker, Successful
Teaching Conference, Binghamton NY, Nov 16, 2007.
12. D.B.
Sher, Poster: Setduko and Logicduko – Teaching Symbols with Games, 2007 Annual Spring Meeting of the Metropolitan
New York section of the MAA, 5/6/2007.
13. D.B.
Sher, Workshop: A Scaffolding Web Site for Teaching about Contracting and Web
Page Design, Conference on Instructional
Technologies, 5/31/2006.
14. D.B.
Sher, Academic Website Design with an XML Design Language, Ed-Media 2005, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia
& Telecommunications, 6/30/2005,
15. D.B.
Sher, Academic Web Languages Using XML, Conference
on Instructional Technologies, 5/24/2005.
16. D.B. Sher, XML Data Presentation Web
Pages, CIT2004 SUNY FACT Conference, Stonybrook NY, June1-4, 2004.
17. D.B.
Sher, Drills, Games, and Tools, an Approach to Educational Interactive Web
Pages, Best Practices in Course Web Migration , SUNY Old Westbury, Old
Westbury NY, April, 2003.
18. D.B.
Sher, Using Interactive Multimodal Applets to Teach Precalculus, NYSMATYC
Summer Institute 2002, Queensborough Community College, Bayside NY, June
21, 2002,
19. D.B.
Sher, User Interface of Interactive Mathematics Education
Applets, CIT2002 SUNY FACT Conference, Oneonta NY, May
28-30, 2002.
20. D.B.
Sher, Animating Graph Paper: Challenges of Stippling, Metropolitan New York
Section Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Hostos
Community College, Bronx NY, May 5, 2002.
21. D.B.
Sher, Drawing Quadratics in Java, Metropolitan New York Section Mathematical
Association of America Annual Meeting, Hostos Community College, May
5, 2002.
22. D.B.
Sher, In Class Laboratory Exercises for Computer Science 2,
SIGCSE Conference, ACM, Charlotte NC, February 22, 2001.
23. David
Sher, Dean Natoro: Using Vectors to Solve Geometry Problems: Using a cannon to swat a fly, Metropolitan New York
Section Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting, Bronx Community College,
May 7, 2000.
24. David
Sher, Dean Natoro: The Prostaphaeretic Multiplier - A Slide Rule for Ancient
Greeks, New York Mathematics Association for Two
Year Colleges Conference,
Hofstra University, April 7, 2000.
25. D.
Nataro, D. Sher and R. Skurnick: Quadrilateral Areas, Mathematics
Association of America - New York Metro Section Spring Meeting, Hofstra
University, May 1, 1999.
26. D.B.
Sher, Role Playing and Writing as Instructional Tools in the Technology Class, Pedagogy
in Practice - A Multidisciplinary, Multicultural Conference, Nassau
Community College, April 1998.
27. D.B.
Sher, Enhancing Precalculus with Interactive Web Pages,
The AMATYC Conference, Atlanta Georgia, November 1997.
28. D.B.
Sher, Spreadsheets for Applying the Harvard Approach to Precollege Algebra,Eastern
Regional NCTM conference, Long Island, NY December 1997.
29. D.B.
Sher, Persuasive Essays for Motivationg Mathematics, Eastern Regional NCTM
conference, Long Island, NY December 1997.
30. L.A. Sher, D.B. Sher, Statistics
and Facilitated Communication: Student Projects that Show the Interaction, Canadian
Regional NCTM Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada, August 23, 1996.
31. D.B.
Sher, Motivating Mathematics with Debugging, NYSMATYC conference, Nov.,
32. D.B.
Sher, Computing Probabilities from Incomplete Experimental Evidence, Thirteenth
Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Presented:
October, 1991.
33. David
Sher, and Davin Milun, Improving Markov Random Field Distributions by using
Noisy Probabilities, Bar-Ilan Symposium on the Foundations of Artificial
Intelligence, Presented June 1991.
34. David
Sher, Deriving the Distribution of Edge Neighborhoods from a Library of
Occluding Objects, Bar-Ilan Symposium on the Foundations of Artificial
Intelligence, Presented June 1991.
35. David
Sher, Towards a Normative Theory of Scientific Evidence - a Maximum Likelihood
Solution, Proceedings of the Sixth (AAAI) Conference on Uncertainty in AI,July,
1990, 509-516.
1. D.B.
Sher, Precalculus Applets, May 30, 2004, Presentation to BMCC Math
Educators Workshop
2. D.B.
Sher, Development of Course Materials to Promote Collaborative
Learning Through Interactive Animation for Mathematics CRD
NSF Grants Workshop , Borough of Manhatten Community College, Oct 11, 2002.
3. D.B.
Sher, Applets and Applications for Mathematics Education, New Visions in Mathematics
Education: A Poster Session - NSF Poster Session at The American Mathematical
Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) Annual Conference, November
15-18, 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
4. D.B.
Sher, Interactive Student Activities on the Web for Teaching Mathematics and
Technology, Shaping the Future - Transforming Unergraduate Education in
Science, Mathematics Engineering and Technology, Borough of Manhattan
Community College, May 1998
5. D.B.
Sher, Precalculus Web Materials, Departmental
Seminar for Nassau Community College Mat/Sta/CMP Department, May 21, 1997.
6. D.B.
Sher, Interactive Educational Web Materials, Nassau Community College Colloquium: Educational
Technologies: Myth?, Monster?, Magic?, May 20 1997.
7. D.B.
Sher, Collaborative Learning through Interactive Animationfor Mathematics, Together
we Can Make it Work in New York,New York Mathematics Science and Engineering
State-wide Conference, The Quality Education for Minorities Network and
Nine CUNY Colleges, Oct,1995.
8. W.
Atkins, D. B. Sher, et. al., Panel Discussion on Grants (fix), Nassau
Community College, Garden City NY, March 16, 1995.
9. D.
B. Sher, Finding Causal Effects in the New York Stock Exchange, Colgate
University Computer Science Department, Hamilton, NY, Feb. 21, 1995.
10. D.
B. Sher, A Collaborative Approach to the Analysis of Echocardiograms, University
of Alabama at Birmingham, Echocardiography Lab., March 13,1992.
11. D.B.
Sher, Collaborative Image Analysis Applied to Echocardiographic Imagery, S.U.N.Y.
Buffalo Medical Technology Dept. Seminar Series, Oct. 30, 1991.
12. D.B.
Sher, Collaborative Image Processing and Motion Analysis Applied to
Echocardiographic Imagery, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo Biophysics Dept., March 6,
13. D.B.
Sher, Computer Vision Algorithms with Humility, University of Rochester
Computer Science Dept., Feb. 4, 1991.
1. D.B. Sher,
Painting: Y=2X+1, Firehouse Art Gallery of Nassau Community College, Summer
Govindaraju, 1992 A Computational Model for Face Location
Cohen, Edward 1992 Interpreting Handwritten Text in a Constrained
Domain ]
Ho, Tin Cam 1992 A Theory of Multiple Classifier Systems and its
Application to Visual Word Recognition
Chen, Jiah-Shing 1992 A Probabilistic Theory of Model-Based Diagnosis
Srihari, Rohini 1991 Extracting Visual Information from Text: Using
Captions to Label Faces in Newspaper Photographs
Tsai, Chimin 1991 Noise and Computational Complexity Reduction
Schemes in Digital Filter Design
Wang, Ching-Huei 1988 A Framework for Object Recognition in a Visually
Complex Environment and its Application to
Locating Address blocks on Mail Pieces
Alberth, Richard 1992 A Preliminary Approach to Choosing an
Optimization Method
Chiang, 1989 Application of Edge Guided Segmentation to
Chih-Chung Echocardiographic Data
Wu, Wan-Chung 1989 Multiresolution Thresholding Schemes for Motion
Estimation in Echocardiographic Imagery
Yen, Shyh-Guang 1989 Solving Image Segmentation with High Level
Knowledge and Combinatorial Optimization
Science Foundation
IEEE Transactions in Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Transactions in Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging
Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Processing
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Pattern Recognition Letters
Math and Computer Education
Alternate Faculty Senator (Computer Science Dept., SUNY at Buffalo)
9/89-6/92 Faculty Senator (Computer Science Dept., SUNY at Buffalo)
9/93-8/98 Faculty Senate Liaison Committee for Disabled Services (NCC)
9/94-8/95 Faculty Senate Honors Committee (NCC)
9/97-8/00 Faculty Senate Grants Committee (NCC)
9/07-8/09 Faculty Senate Grants Committee (NCC)
Recruiting Committee 1987-1989, Laboratory Committee 1987-1988, Colloquium
Committee 1988-1989, Library Committee 1989-91, Graduate Affairs Committee
1990-1992, Computer Utilization Committee 1994-1995 Chair Computer Science
Committee 1997-2007 Chair Computer Science 2 (CMP211) committee 1995-2008 Chair
Data Structures Committee (CMP251) 1995-2008.
to Language Processing (Compilers), Artificial Intelligence, Java, Computer
Science 1, Computer Science 2, Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming,
Precalculus, Elementary Mathematics, Assembly Language, Business Computing,
Introduction to Computing, Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics, Assembly
Language, Computer Architecture, Introduction to Programming.
Vision, Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition,
Analysis, Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence.
Beta Pi Engineering Society.